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Abstract of the article |
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Author information |
Example: Prof. Herli Pardilla, M.Ed. Ph.D., Email: hpardilla@gmail.com; Orcid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3583-5959; Lecture of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Bina Guna Medan Sports and Health College, address: Jl. Alumunium Raya No.77, Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia. 20241 Telephone: (061) 6615718. |
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TITLE: Impact of Learning Motivation and Physical Condition on Physical Education Learning Outcomes in Junior High School Students Aged 13-15 Years: A Analysis studies
*Muhammad Fikri1abcde, Dedi Nofizal2abcde, Agung Nugroho2ab, Hafis Yazid Lubis2cde
1Institut Seni Indonesia Padang Panjang, Indonesia.
2Sekolah Tinggi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Bina Guna Medan, Indonesia
Authors’ Contribution: A – Study design; B – Data collection; C – Statistical analysis; D – Manuscript Preparation; E – Funds Collection
Corresponding Author: Muhammad Fikri, e-mail: muhammadf@inspiree.review
ABSTRACT: Abstracts consist of 150-300 words
The purpose of the study. to determine and evaluate the relative contributions of physical fitness...
Materials and methods. The purpose of correlation approaches is to quantitatively ascertain....
Results. The coefficient of correlation for rx12y=0.49 is indicated...
Conclusions. Students' willingness and excitement to participate in physical education learning activities will be influenced by their motivation for learning...
Keywords: Learning Outcomes; Studying Physical Education; Learning Motivation; Physical Fitness. (Keyword Min 2 and Max 7)
“The introductory section encompasses the following elements and considerations” Contextual framework of the research; Critical examination of existing literature; Identification of research gaps: Rationale for the research: Objectives or hypotheses of the scientific study.
Materials and Methods
An original manuscript must encompass the following components:
For Original Articles | For review articles |
Note: This study necessitates ethical endorsement from the appropriate institution, validated by the ethics committee. In the context of Human-subjects Research, adherence to the guidelines of the ICMJE is advised; subsequently, authors must secure institutional consent for the dissemination of experimental findings. Comprehensive regulations are accessible at: Human-subjects Research. |
For Original Articles | For review articles |
The findings must be organized in tables and presented systematically. The initial column lists the test number, followed by the test name, conditions, participant count, means, standard deviations for both groups, mean differences, t-test values, and p-values. Citations of tables within the narrative are essential, while specific data replication is discouraged. Emphasis must be placed on significant statistical changes and observed trends. P-values must be reported to two decimal places, such as “p = 0.25.” Statistical analysis results should include intervention effect sizes or confidence intervals for differences. |
Specify the quantity of analyzed studies assessed for appropriateness and incorporated into the systematic review. For every individual study, delineate the attributes from which data were extracted and supply relevant citations. For all evaluated outcomes, for each study, present the following: a concise summary of data for each analytical group as well as an evaluation of potential implications. |
For Original Articles | For review articles |
Interpreting the outcomes of research endeavors; Evaluating in relation to antecedent studies; Elucidating the ramifications of the discoveries; Recognizing the constraints of the research. |
Specify the quantity of analyzed studies assessed for appropriateness and incorporated into the systematic review. For every individual study, delineate the attributes from which data were extracted and supply relevant citations. For all evaluated outcomes, for each study, present the following: a concise summary of data for each analytical group as well as an evaluation of potential implications. |
Summarizes key findings and implications; Offers closure and clarity to the reader; Reinforces concepts from the paper's body; Highlights the importance and potential impact of research findings; Correlates evidence for hypotheses from the introduction with discussion findings; Includes a request for author-submitted suggestions.
This section acknowledges individuals who contributed to the research yet do not meet authorship criteria. The acknowledgments section allows researchers to recognize: Mentors, Advisors, Colleagues, Partners, Institutions, Funding bodies, Organizations. Please specify the research area in which the study was conducted, along with the corresponding state registration number.
This research was conducted in accordance with the research plan of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia with the topic "Impact of Learning Motivation and Physical Condition on Physical Education Learning Outcomes in Junior High School Students Aged 13-15 Years: A Analysis studies" (2023-2024) (state registration number 024111KPO2105)
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
References Formatting Guidelines (APA Referencing Style 7th Edition)
Journal articles
Material Type |
In Text Citation |
Reference List Entry |
Journal Article with a DOI | (Vogels et al., 2009) | Vogels, A. G. C., Crone, M. R., Hoekstra, F., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2009). Comparing three short questionnaires to detect psychosocial dysfunction among primary school children: a randomized method. BMC Public Health, 9, 489. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-9-489 |
Journal Article with a DOI: More Than 20 Authors and Including Page Number | (Wiskunde et al., 2019, p. 1936) | Wiskunde, B., Arslan, M., Fischer, P., Nowak, L., Van den Berg, O., Coetzee, L., Juárez, U., Riyaziyyat, E., Wang, C., Zhang, I., Li, P., Yang, R., Kumar, B., Xu, A., Martinez, R., McIntosh, V., Ibáñez, L. M., Mäkinen, G., Virtanen, E., . . . Kovács, A. (2019). Indie pop rocks mathematics: Twenty One Pilots, Nicolas Bourbaki, and the empty set. Journal of Improbable Mathematics, 27(1), 1935–1968. https://doi.org/10.0000/3mp7y-537 |
Journal Article with a URL | (Ahmann, 2018) | Ahmann, E., Tuttle, L. J., Saviet, M., & Wright, S. D. (2018). A descriptive review of ADHD coaching research: Implications for college students. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 31(1): 24-58. https://www.ahead.org/professional-resources/publications/jped/archived-jped/jped-volume-31 |
Journal Article with an Article Number | (March & Springer, 2019) | March, E., & Springer, J. (2019). Belief in conspiracy theories: The predictive role of schizotypy, Machiavellianism, and primary psychopathy. PLoS One, 14(12): Article e0225964. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225964 |
Journal Article from a URL and Including Paragraph Number | (Munro, 1999, para. 12) | Munro, C. (1999). Facing grief. Synergy, 3(3). http://about.ugm.ac.id/synergy/0303/grie |
Journal Article in Print | (Kyratsis, 2004) | Kyratsis, A. (2014). Talk and interaction among children and the co-construction of peer groups and peer culture. Annual Review of Anthropology, 33(4), 231-247. |
Journal Article in Print Including Page Number | (Parker & Roy, 2001, p. 574) | Parker, G., & Roy, K. (2011). Adolescent depression: A review. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35, 572-580. |
Journal Article in Print with 3-20 Authors | (Zhang et al., 2016) | Zhang, B., Cohen, J., Ferrence, R., & Rehm, J. (2016). The impact of tobacco tax cuts on smoking initiation among Canadian young adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30(6), 474-479. |
Material Type |
In Text Citation |
Reference List Entry |
Paper Presentation from the Internet | (Balakrishnan, 2006) | Balakrishnan, R. (2006, March 25-26). Why aren't we using 3d user interfaces, and will we ever? [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Alexandria, VA. https://doi.org/10.1109/VR.2006.148. |
Unpublished Paper Presentation | (Brown & Caste, 2004) | Brown, S., & Caste, V. (2004, May). Integrated obstacle detection framework [Paper presentation]. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Detroit, MI.. |
Paper Presentation in Print Proceedings | (Rowling, 1993) | Rowling, L. (1993, September). Schools and grief: How does Australia compare to the United States [Paper presentation]. In Wandarna coowar: Hidden grief. 8th National Conference of the National Association for Loss and Grief (Australia), Yeppoon, Queensland (pp. 196-201). National Association for Loss and Grief. |
Material Type |
In Text Citation |
Reference List Entry |
Book: Including Page Numbers | (Wells, 2009, pp. 225-226) | Wells, A. (2009). Metacognitive therapy for anxiety and depression in psychology. Guilford Press. |
Book: Single Author | (Matthews, 1999) | Matthews, J. (1999). The art of childhood and adolescence: The construction of meaning. Falmer Press. |
Book: Two Authors | (Colcough & Colcough, 1999) | Colclough, B., & Colclough, J. (1999). A challenge to change. Thorsons. |
Book: 3-20 Authors | (Dwee et al., 2012) | Dwee, D., Dion, H. B., & Brown, I. S. (2012). Information behaviour concept: A basic introduction. University of Life Press. |
Book: More than 20 Authors | (Author et al., Year) | Include the first nineteen authors' names, then insert three ellipses and follow with the final author's name. |
Book: Different Works by Same Author in Same Year | Kubler-Ross, 1993a) (Kubler-Ross, 1993b) |
Kubler-Ross, E. (1993a). AIDS: The ultimate challenge. Collier Books. Kubler-Ross, E. (1993b). Questions and answers on death and dying. Collier Books. |
Book: Organisation as Author | (American Educational Research Association, 1985) | American Educational Research Association. (1985). Standards for educational and psychological testing. American Psychological Association. |
Material Type |
In Text Citation |
Reference List Entry |
Chapter or Article in Edited Book | (Yura, 2020) | Yura, P. (2020). 'Good or bad’: How people think of me is not important. In B. Rudy & H. Dion (Eds.), Mental health policy (pp. 368-389). University of Life Press. |
Article in an encyclopedia | (Ford-Martin, 2003) | Ford-Martin, P. (2003). Cognitive-behavioral therapy. In E. Thackery & M. Harris (Eds.), Gale encyclopedia of mental disorders (Vol.1, pp. 226-228). Gale. |
Material Type |
In Text Citation |
Reference List Entry |
E-book | (Eckes, 2000) | Eckes, T. (2000). The developmental social psychology of gender. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. https://lib.ugm.ac.id/443/record=b1600608 |
Chapter from an E-book | (Jones & Gagnon, 2007) | Jones, N. A., & Gagnon, C. M. (2007). The neurophysiology of empathy. In T. F. D. Farrow & P. W. R. Woodruff (Eds.), Empathy in mental illness. Cambridge University Press. https://lib.ugm.ac.id:443/record=b2130403 |
Article from an Electronic Encyclopaedia | (Lai, 1999) | Lai, M. C. C. (1999). Hepatitis delta virus. In A. Granoff & R. Webster (Eds.), Encyclopedia of virology (2nd ed.). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-012374410-4.00417-9 |
Article from an Electronic Reference Work: No author | ("Alka-Seltzer", 2019) | Alka-Seltzer. (2019). In MIMS online. MIMS Australia. http://www.mimsonline.com.au |
Material Type |
In Text Citation |
Reference List Entry |
Electronic Document | (Murray, 2005) | Murray, G. (2005). A duty of care to children and young people in Western Australia: Report on the quality assurance and review of unsubstantiated allegations of abuse in care: 1 April 2004 to 12 September 2005. Western Australia, Department of Child Protection. http://www.community.wa.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/851183A4-A822-4592-AB66-C410E453AEEC/0/DCDRPTGwennMurrayreportwithcover2006.pdf |
Government Publication | (Australia. Department of Health and Aged Care, 2000) | Australia. Department of Health and Aged Care. (2000). National youth suicide prevention strategy. http://www.health.gov.au/hsdd/mentalhe/sp/nysps/about.htm |
Government Publication: Curriculum Document | (Western Australia. School Curriculum & Standards Authority, 2017) | Western Australia. School Curriculum & Standards Authority. (2017). Curriculum and assessment outline: Humanities and Social Science. http://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/p-10-curriculum/curriculum-browser/humanities-and-social-sciences |
Whole Internet Site | (Goldberg, 2010) | Goldberg, I. (2010). Dr. Ivan's depression central. http://www.psycom.net/depression.central.html |
Material Type |
In Text Citation |
Reference List Entry |
Newspaper Article in Print | (Kissane, 1998) | Kissane, K. (1998, September 5). Kiss or kill: Who is the victim when a battered woman kills? The Age: Extra, p. 6. |
Newspaper Article with URL | (Devlin, 2010) | Devlin, H. (2010, January 28). Neuron breakthrough offers hope on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The Times. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/science/medicine/article7005401.ece |
Newspaper Article from Factiva | (Delalande, 2019) | Delalande, J. (2019, October 26). Our teens struggle the most. The West Australian, p. 32. Factiva. https://global-factiva-com.libproxy.ugm.ac.id/ha/default.aspx#./!?&_suid=157Gjze1vwrdykucFXF5NKVky1g3ut9zc6. |
Material Type |
In Text Citation |
Reference List Entry |
Unpublished Thesis | (Neo, 2000) | Neo, M. C. (2000). The role of education as a process of human release from various problems of life [Unpublished M.Appl.Psy. thesis]. University of Life. |
Published Thesis | (May, 2017) | May, B. (2017) A survey of radial velocities in the zodiacal dust cloud. Canopus Publishing. |
Thesis from a Database | Sonny, 1999) | Sonny, Z. (1999). Computer education for children (Publication No. 01230123) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Life]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. |
Thesis from a Repository | (Vells, 2015) | Vells, T. (2015). Language for life [PhD thesis, University of Life]. UOL Library Repository. https://reporepo/9iqw4qwriq |
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Prof. Herli Pardilla, M.Ed. Ph.D., Email: hpardilla@gmail.com; Orcid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3583-5959; Lecture of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Bina Guna Medan Sports and Health College, address: Jl. Alumunium Raya No.77, Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia. 20241 Telephone: (061) 6615718.
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