Instructions for Authors

Publishing Principles of the Journal and General Rules

  1. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted previously in or considered for any other publication before. Otherwise, the authors will be responsible for any inconvenience.
  2. Copyrights of the published manuscripts should be granted to the authors and legal and scientific responsibilities belong to its authors.
  3. Quotation can be taken from the articles published in INSPIREE as long as they are referenced.
  4. The publishing committee will examine and assess the submitted manuscripts and if they do not meet the aims and objectives of the journal, they will not be taken into consideration for publication.
  5. The publishing committee has authorization to make grammatical and spelling alterations in the texts, if necessary.
  6. Manuscripts which meet the basic criteria of INSIPIREE will be sent to at least two referees for their comments.
  7. Author(s) will not be paid for their published articles.
Submission Guidelines for INSPIREE: Indonesian Sport Innovation Review

1.The manuscripts should be typed on one side of A4 white paper (16 x 24.7) sized 12 point, 1,5 spaced with 2.5 cm margins on all sides and using Segoe UI writing style. The papers should be prepared with Microsoft Word software 6.0 or above.

2.The first page of manuscript's (title page) consist of title, authors’ names, e-mail addresses and their affiliations, orcids number, type of article (e.g. theoretical, book review) abstract and keywords. After that page manuscript continues with title, abstract, main text, acknowledgements, references, appendix, figures and tables.

3.a) Title should followed by the authors’ names and last names. Authors’ academic position and institutions should be written under it. In addition, the full postal address, fax and telephone numbers of the author(s) who will check proofs and receive correspondence and offprint should also be included.

b) Each article should include an informative, comprehensive abstract of 100 to 150 words with 10 type size. The abstract should explain the critical information related to the paper's aim, method, results and conclusions. Three to five key words should also be given after the abstract.

c) Main text should start with a new page. In research-based manuscripts, main text should sequentially include the introduction, aim, method, findings, discussion, result, conclusion, and references.

d) Method part should include expanded knowledge about the sample, data gathering tools and used material, data analysis and interpretation methods.

e) References should start with a new page and it should follow the American Psychological Association System ( APA 6 Publications Manual). The manuscript should be checked carefully to ensure that the spelling of authors' names and dates are exactly the same in the text as in the reference list. The full references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper.

f) Appendixes should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the reference list. In studies aiming to develop a measurement scale, items in the tool should certainly be situated either in the main text or in the appendix.

g) Tables should be typed out on separate sheets and included as part of the text, numbered by Roman numerals and figures by Arabic numerals and no wider than 12x18 cm pixels.

h) Figures and captions to illustrations: Each figure should be given without separation in the same page.

k) Authors' notes should be started in a new page. In this section, all authors should give the names at last five studies, place and date of publication. If the study is a dissertation's abstract or some institutions support the study, the names should be given.

NOTE: Manuscripts not prepared according to the directions above will not be taken into consideration for publication in the INSPIREE. If you need an example template, go here to grab it: Article Template 

English Editing Resources

Authors for whom English is a second language have to choose to have their manuscript professionally edited or proofread after acceptance in order to improve the English of their manuscripts. It is compulsory for INSPIREE.

Contact us on English editing resources. Authors can contact with them using

All services are paid for and arranged by the author.

APA Style Resources

Information and online courses covering the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association may be found online at

Human-Subjects Research

Authors of papers addressing human subjects research must also ensure that the study reported in their submission, as well as the publishing of their manuscript, complies with all applicable regulations in their locality.

Prior to paper submission, authors of manuscripts detailing research involving human subjects must get evaluation and approval (or review and waiver) from their Institutional Review Board (IRB). Authors of multisite research articles must receive permission from each institution's IRB. Upon request, documentation of IRB status must be made accessible. If no institutional review boards or committees exist, the authors must conduct their study in line with the Declaration of Helsinki, as updated in 2013. The Materials and Methods section must include a declaration of IRB approval or waiver (and the explanation for the waiver) or a statement of adherence to the Declaration of Helsinki (or at the end of the text for shorter article types: e.g., announcements, short form papers, etc.).

Informed consent for publication is not needed if the patient cannot be identified from any material in a manuscript. Identifiable characteristics such as patient initials, precise dates, specific geographic exposures, or other identifying elements (including bodily features in figures) should be deleted in the absence of informed permission, but this must not change the scientific meaning. Important information important to the scientific meaning should be expressed in such a way that the patient cannot be recognized, for example, by specifying a season rather than a date or a location rather than a city. If a patient may be recognized from a manuscript's content, every attempt should be taken to get informed consent to publish from patients or their parents/legal guardians if the patient is a minor. In order to give informed consent, the patient must be able to read the manuscript before it is submitted. Either that the patient has examined the entire text or that the patient refuses to do so must be included in the signed consent. The authors should keep a copy of the patient's permission and make it available upon request. The published paper should include a statement attesting to the receipt and preservation of signed patient permission.

For more information, please see the ORI module on human subject research and the COPE guidelines. If the author need help with IRB form, you may email:

Tols & Screening Plagiarism Recomended

Before going to review process, all manuscripts will be checked that they are free from plagiarism practice using "iThenticate". If there are indications of plagiarism of more than 20%, the manuscript will instantly be rejected.

Tols and Plagiarism screening will be conducted by INSPIREE : Indonesian Sport Innovation Review Editorial Board using:




We will give you a Letter Statements of Originality if your work is accepted and ready for publication. is available for download at: Statements of Originality


INSPIREE: Indonesian Sport Innovation Review have developed fast-track peer review options to curtail some of the unnecessary time that lapses between a manuscript being submitted and its publication.

Fast-track peer review prioritizes a manuscript and decreases its publication time.
When a paper is marked for fast track, reviewed and publicated decision is made quickly. Fast tracking might also decrease the amount of time allocated for peer review and editing. It typically cuts the publication time

INSPIREE: Indonesian Sport Innovation Review offer fast-track peer review for an additional fee. Authors can choose to fast track a paper for importance or significant impact to public policy. Authors may also choose to fast track a paper in order to publish the research before another journal publishes similar findings or before the information is presented at a conference.

Fast-tracked papers are often more relevant and polished than others, especially when there is a fee involved. There is also no difference in the rejection rate, even when authors have opted to pay for fast track, and there is no preference shown for fast-tracked papers. The only difference these studies have found between a normal submission and one marked for fast track is the rate of time it takes from initial submission to publication.

More information please contact

Author Fees & APC

Articles which are published under an open access Journal System (OJS) are permanently free to be read by everyone.

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 ($US)
Authors are not required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Article Publication: 50.00 ($US)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

If your article is accepted in our journal, our editorial team will send an invoice to the journal INSPIREE dashboard.

The author will get the full PDFs, for articles that are published successfully

If you don't have enough money to pay the fees. We don't want the expense of publishing good work to be a deterrent. Please come and join us.