Aim & Scope

INSPIREE: The Indonesian Sport Innovation Review possesses a distinguished international reputation for disseminating articles of exceptional quality. The journal engages in the publication of research pertaining to diverse facets of sport science, exercise, and sports health, encompassing sports education, anatomy, biochemistry, biomechanics, performance analysis, physiology, psychology, sports medicine and health, in addition to training and talent identification, kinanthropometry, and various other interdisciplinary viewpoints.

As a manifestation of our gratitude and dedication extended by DOAJ towards us, INSPIREE: Indonesian Sport Innovation Review serves to establish a central hub for scholarly publications concerning pertinent subjects:

®Issues in sport education and Physical Activity.
®Sports Science and achievements,
®Sport Sport social, history, Sport cultural.
®Sport Management, Sport law and Sport Political,
®Sport Nutrition
®Sport medicine and health
®Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.