About the Journal

Journal title INSPIREE: Indonesian Sport Innovation Review
Subject Physical education, Sport science, Sport medicine and health, Sport Management, Sports nutrition and sports history
Publisher INSPIREE & DPE Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai
Language English
Frequency 3 issues per year:
Vol. 6 No. 1 — January 27 (article submission deadline: December 27);
Vol. 6 No. 2 — May 27 (article submission deadline: April 27);
Vol. 6 No. 3 — September 27 (article submission deadline: August 27).
DOI Prefix 10.53905/inspiree by Crossref  
Online ISSN 2746-6965
Print ISSN 2774-2520
Editor-in-chief Herli Pardilla, M.Ed, Ed.D.
Citation Analysis Google Scholar | DimensionOpenAlex | Scilit MDPI
Indexing DOAJ | CROSSREF | GARUDA | Scilit MDPI More indexing..
Submissions This scholarly journal invites contributions throughout the entire year. Submitted manuscripts undergo evaluation immediately upon their arrival. The template for manuscript preparation is accessible for download Here. The published manuscripts have adhered to standard English conventions since Volume 1, Issue 1, released in 2020.

INSPIREE: Indonesian Sports Innovations Reviews functions as a vital channel for the exchange of scholarly knowledge among researchers, academics, and practitioners in the discipline from diverse global perspectives.
INSPIREE: Indonesian Sports Innovations Reviews
The foremost aim of this journal, which functions as a pivotal conduit for academic discourse, is to proficiently disseminate the outcomes and conclusions derived from empirical inquiries and methodical scientific assessments that collectively facilitate the progressive enhancement of global scientific comprehension within the domains of physical education, sport science, sport medicine and health, sport management, sports nutrition, and sports history.
Manuscripts submitted for evaluation and prospective publication must conform to the stringent stipulation of having never been previously published in any format or submitted for appraisal to an alternative academic journal, thus safeguarding the originality and novelty of the research; moreover, we extend an invitation to a diverse array of contributors to submit manuscripts, encompassing both domestically situated and internationally based authors.

